Gateway to the Heart Ministries

Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life."
Proverbs 4:23


"Filtering today’s Media and Culture through the unchanging Word of God"

Gateway to the Heart Ministries is committed to equipping people with Biblical truths and principles to help them make wise and God honoring media and entertainment choices.

Recent Blog Posts

Can You Use Some Good News?

By Joe Schillero

Most people that I know watch the local news at least one time per day.  I know some people who watch the local news twice or more per day and some people have CNN on all  day.  As followers of Jesus Christ, I believe that it is important that we stay in tune with current…

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Do Commercials Really Matter?

By Joe Schillero

Do commercials really matter?  Is 3o seconds or even 1 minute of information going to affect my life in any significant way?  The answer is YES!  Companies wouldn’t be spending millions of dollars to get your attention if it wasn’t effective. I watch TV occasionally but not much.  I think watching TV can be one…

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Do the Lyrics Really Matter?

By Joe Schillero

There is plenty of scientific and psychological evidence to back up a resounding ‘YES’ to this question.  Our brains are very complex computers that retain and process information not only directly but also subliminally and unconsciously. In this article, I would like to tackle  3 perspectives from a common sense and Biblical point of view.…

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Entertainment 101

By Joe Schillero

When we think of Entertainment, we usually think of something that is fun, relaxing and enjoyable.  Rarely do we consider that while we’re enjoying our favorite movie, TV program, video game or song, we are being ‘educated’ by someone’s philosophy.  However often times, that is exactly what is happening.   “See to it that no one…

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What is Your Criteria For Choosing a Movie?

By Joe Schillero

1.) WHAT DO MY FRIENDS THINK ABOUT IT? Sometimes friends can be a reliable source of discernment when it comes to choosing movies. But remember that your friends may not share the same convictions that you do. One of the reasons that I’m passionate about this ministry is because some people whom I love and…

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Where Do You Go For Media Discernment?

By Joe Schillero

In my media seminars I educate people about the rating systems for TV, movies and video games.  The Television Industry, the MPAA (motion picture association of America) and the ESRB (Entertainment Software Review Board) can all be helpful aids in our media discernment.  Are they 100% reliable? At the top of my list of practical…

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Did You Know That You Eat What You Watch?

By Joe Schillero

We’ve all heard the old saying, “You are what you eat.” If you eat wholesome, healthy food you’ll probably be physically healthy.  If you eat processed, greasy, junk food you’ll probably be unhealthy. There’s nothing complicated about those equations. But do you ever think about the statement, “You eat what you watch?” Considering the fact that the average child…

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How do you make media or entertainment choices?

In this booklet, Biblical Filters For Your Media Choices by Joe Schillero, you'll find teachings we call Biblical filters. These filters are designed to help you  make wise and God honoring media choices. Whether you're a follower of Christ who wants to live a holy life, a youth leader challenging your teens or a parent raising your kids in an ever changing media culture, these teachings will help you to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Click here to learn more and view purchase options.

Updated Biblical Filters

Biblical Filters for your Media Choices

Jim Schneider and Joseph Schillero

Contact Joe with a Question or Comment

If you would like to contact Joe with a question or comment, or would like to schedule Joe to speak at your Church or Christian event, contact us here:


Filtering today’s Media and Culture through the unchanging Word of God


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Gateway to the Heart Ministries
5475 E. 135th Street
Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125